ALARM - H2SO4 / Concert for social and climate justiceALARM - H2SO4 / Concert for social and climate justice
The [Uncertain] Four Seasons is a global project that recomposed Vivaldi’s ‘The Four Seasons’ using climate data in the world.The [Uncertain] Four Seasons is a global project that recomposed Vivaldi’s ‘The Four Seasons’ using climate data in the world.
SAMO1PLANET: SMO & Balladero, Jadranka Juras, EmkejSAMO1PLANET: SMO & Balladero, Jadranka Juras, Emkej
Ljubljana International Orchestra (LIO) / Mednarodni orkester LjubljanaLjubljana International Orchestra (LIO) / Mednarodni orkester Ljubljana
Slovenian Youth Orchestra / Slovenski mladinski orkester (SMO)Slovenian Youth Orchestra / Slovenski mladinski orkester (SMO)