29 of July 2022

Special guests at the concert of young Ukrainian musicians were the famous Croatian cellist Ana Rucner, whose performance was accompanied by the St. Mihovil Police Band. She played the cello made from voluntarily surrendered weapons owned by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Rucner acts as the promoter of the MUP’s national campaign “Less weapons, fewer tragedies”.

Before this concert evening, as an integral part of it, a preventive-educational workshop was organized for children on the topic of applying the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child titled “I have a right to life”, which was jointly led by police officers and the Medulin Art Association.

Musicians played compositions by Skoryk, Kolessa, Gardel, Piazzola, Mozart, Pukaliak and Blackmore. 

String orchestra Music for the future

Brass ensemble Music for the future

Soloist: Ana Rucner, cello

Conductor: Olga Khoma
